Plastic barricades | affordable, effective pedestrian barricade

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Featured Special

Plastic Barricade

Original price was: $140.00.Current price is: $94.99.


The plastic pedestrian barricade is an affordable, innovative & effective pedestrian barrier that is easily portable and attractive.

  • Available in multiple colors: Black, Blue, Gray, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow
  • Strong polypropylene construction
  • A standard barricade is 6.5′ wide, 3.5′ high, with a feet length of 1.5′ and weighs 26.4 lbs.
  • Barrier covers for a sophisticated look are available in many colors

IMPORTANT NOTE: Steel and Plastic Barriers must be ordered at a minimum of 10 barricades for shipping and product integrity purposes.

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Description: Plastic Barricade

Plastic barricades are affordable yet stylish!

Todoos plastic barricades are sturdy, vibrant and yet, lightweight. Plastic barriers provide an attractive and easy-to-set-up alternative to metal barriers when used in casual settings like sports arenas, concert theatres, etc.

In our opinion, one of the biggest advantages is the opportunity of direct brand advertising on these plastic barriers by using barrier jackets that event organizers can use for displaying sponsors and teams- essentially working as a picture-perfect alternate to billboards advertising that your audience will love too!

Call us with any questions about this exciting opportunity available at a fraction of the cost of conventional in-stadia advertising. Your imagination is really the limit!

Shop for the right crowd management products from Todoos. Today. You can choose a suitable option for plastic barrier colors from the dropdown above.


Plastic Barrier

Plastic BarricadesBarriers are typically placed where there are crowds of people.  These barricades are specifically designed to hold gatorboard signs in the large center display area and also have zip tie loops for larger banner options. Check out the retractable banner stanchions that effectively turn your line management into an advertising space.

Pedestrian BarricadesThese plastic barricades are cooled twice as long as competitors – creating a sturdier, stronger barricade. Their stackable design and manufactured extra UV light-resistant make this an ideal, long-lasting crowd control system.

Plastic barricades | affordable, innovative plastic pedestrian barricade

Get that sophisticated look with a barrier cover! 

If you are looking for a truly unique pedestrian barricade that matches the decor of your establishment, we offer custom-designed barricades.

If your event really calls for a high-class look, you may want to consider our custom-fitted barricade covers – perfect for your steel or plastic barrier.

Fitted Barricade Covers


Product Guides

Additional information


6.5 ft


3.5 ft

Feet Length

1.5 ft.


26.4 lbs.


Black, Blue, Gray, Green, Orange, Red, White, Yellow



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