Amusement Parks | Theme Parks – What’s on your Todoos list?
There are three things that come to the top of mind when considering how Todoos can support Amusement Park Businesses:
- Trash Management,
- Recycling to support the environment and…
- People flow management!

Because it is universally recognizable let’s take a look at how Disney World is tackling Trash Management. Did you know that an average of 80,000 pounds of garbage run through Disney Worlds Garbage system every single day! When you are a similar business you know that managing this along with all the other demands that your guests put on your facilities your Todoo list can be daunting and seem unending!
Disney has an aide that not every park will have, a secret underground handling system that takes garbage from across the park from two distinct points through a massive AVAS (Automated Vacuum Assisted Collection System) system.
This system then runs underground like a built-in vacuum every 20 minutes pulling the waste from receptacles placed every 30 feet at 35 mph towards a disposal destination below the feet of its guests! And that’s just at the Magic Kingdom park!
Check the Right Amusement Park Products off Your Venue’s Todoos List
According to a report from their maintenance team, more than 110,000 TONS of solid waste were discarded from Disney World in 2017 alone.
An average of 35 solid waste transfer vehicles run all day every day making an average of 191 pick-ups per day. Keep in mind these are full-size garbage trucks that would be full for each pick-up. That’s a pick-up every 7.5 minutes on average!
Trash Management is a big deal! So much so that Walt Disney World trash cans have become a crucial part of the Disney experience, they even sell merchandise designed around them. We applaud that at todoos and encourage you to do the same in your location!
Check out some of Todoos Top of Stanchion merchandising options!
When it comes to Recycling, they have also been leaders in testing solutions – Todoos can support you to do the same!